Things To Do On The West Coast Of Scotland

The west coast of Scotland is one of the most incredible places in the world and sits high up on many peoples bucket list. It is where the powerful mountain ranges meets white sandy beaches, combined with the rugged cliffs that line the coast. It is one of those places that you will visit and long to return to for more. 

From sea kayaking to hiking and trying local whisky you won't fall short on things to do on the west coast of Scotland. In this post, we share our experience around the Torridon and Gairloch area of Wester Ross.

Things to do on the West Coast of Scotland

  • Visit the Badachro Distillery

  • Sea Kayaking with Gairloch Canoe and Kayak Centre

  • Learn the History of the Region at Pool House

  • Wander through Inverewe Garden

  • Outdoor Adventures with Liquid Footprints

Visit the Badachro Distillery

Badachro Distillery is a small family-run distillery in the town of Badachro, distilling gin whisky and vodka. These delicious flavours are inspired by nature, with the flowers and fruits being foraged locally by the owners themselves. 

Badachro Distillery don't offer any official tours, however, if you are in the area, you are welcome to stop by and have a look around between 10-4pm. There is the option to have a taste in the storehouse and purchase your favourites to take home as a souvenir from your trip to the west of Scotland.

Sea Kayaking with Gairloch Canoe and Kayak Centre

If you are wanting to see some wildlife on the west coast of Scotland, then you won't want to miss a trip out with Gairloch Canoe and Kayak Centre. Leaving from Sheildaig Lodge, you will head out on a kayak, tandem or single depending on your preference. An experienced guide will talk about points of interest whilst on the lookout for curious wildlife. 

On our kayak tour, we were lucky to see a colony of seals, sunbathing and swimming around, following our kayaks. You may also see a variety of bird species flying around and nesting on the rocks.

Learn the History of the Region at Pool House

The Pool House is a magnificent part of history on the west coast of Scotland which offers tours around the house where you will learn of its transformation through the eras. 

On the tour, you will learn about the Pool House throughout the Victoria era and World War II, as well as find out why there are items such as a Chinese marriage bed and Victorian bathing machines, which are still present in this family home today. 

On your tour of the Pool House, you will learn about the well known local Osgood Mackenzie, who created Inverewe Gardens and contributed to a lot to the local region. 

Wander through Inverewe Garden

A highlight on the west coast of Scotland is the Inverewe Garden, located in the area of Poolewe. This part of Scotland has a rich history and you will learn about Osgood who built these gardens and planted some of the trees that remain there today. There is a lot more to the Inverewe Garden than looking at plants and trees, as this bio-diverse ecosystem is home to species from all over the world that are growing in unique part of Scotland. 

Enjoy a hot drink and some food from the cafe, where your biodegradable cups and plates will be broken down on site and turned into fertiliser for the garden. 

Outdoor Adventures with Liquid Footprints 

Liquid Footprints offer adventurous outdoor activities around Scotland, offering bespoke, outdoor experiences for adults and family groups. This small family-run business will travel to where you are in the country to help you discover and explore the amazing things to do. They offer tailor-made activities such as skiing, gorge scrambling, mountain guiding, sea kayaking, and canoeing. 

On our trip to the west coast of Scotland, we were guided up Beinn Damh mountain by the owner of Liquid Footprints, Chris. As an experienced mountain guide, Chris took us through the majestic glen and up the steep side of Beinn Damh. This incredible experience led to fantastic views of the Torridon area from the summit. 

So there you have it, all of the best things to do along the west coast of Scotland. If you have visited this part of Scotland recently, let us know what you thought of the sights listed above, or if you have any suggestions let us know in the comments below.

As always, sharing is caring so make sure to share this photo guide with your family and friends and inspire them to head off on their own west coast of Scotland adventure.


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